Methods of Success: Artists fail because of unfounded fear, jealousy, insecurity, not knowing and a lack of confidence. This book will eliminate these lies from your life.【電子書籍】[ Jack White ]
Methods of Success: Artists fail because of unfounded fear, jealousy, insecurity, not knowing and a lack of confidence. This book will eliminate these lies from your life.【電子書籍】[ Jack White ]
<p>Methods of Success is designed to teach artists working in all mediums how to earn a living selling what they produce. Includes Service, Wholesale, What Art is Worth, Advertising, Marketing Plans and Selling Art on eBay. It is written to delve deeper, helping you fly above the detours. An eagle knows when a storm is approaching long before it breaks, flies to a high spot and waits for the winds to come. Then sets its wings so the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. The eagle does not escape the storm, it simply uses the storm to go higher, spreading its wings and rising on the wind. Methods of Success is the wind beneath your wings when the storm is unbearable. Some will 'Make It' and it may just as well be YOU. Who better deserves to be the next shining star to brighten the art world</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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